First attempt at homemade gravy

Before I talk about my first ever try on homemade gravy, can I please rant first? It's not gonna be long.

So there, been pissed off for 2 days now. Yesterday, got pissed off at my mom about a check and about my brother not having OJT. Was also pissed off at some friends. I fixed my schedule and saved money hoping that they'll plan the day out but no. They were still expecting me to call it. So we didn't get to go out today because I didn't reply to any of their messages on what time we're meeting today. So there. End rant.

Deciding that I should make something creative for our dinner tonight, I decided to make homemade gravy with the porkchop. You season the porkchop as you like and fry it in a little oil because the oil from the fat eventually is rendered. I accidentally put a little more oil as I needed so I had too much oil in the end. Also, one side of the pork had some burn marks because I left it for too long. I was also doing other stuff so I forgot about it. You don't want to overcook your pork because it'll be dry and tough. Cook the rice even before you start frying so that you will have hot rice as you eat. I took out all the oil in the pan because I'll be using the same pan to make the gravy. The brown stuff on the pan is important in the gravy. In usual recipes, you use stock as the base for the gravy but I used the brown bits, sugars that were caramelized when I was frying the pork. I made a roux which is a mixture of flour and butter. Mix them well to remove lumps. I didn't put the heat on high so that I won't burn the butter. After, I put water in it and mixed them well. I seasoned the mixture with salt and pepper only. I tasted it and found it salty. I forgot that I used salted butter so I just added unnecessary salt making the gravy more salty. Even if I put more water, it was still salty. I decided to make it a sweet gravy so I put sugar in it and added water.

So there. Haha! My first attempt at homemade gravy.
